Carburetor float. Sold each
For carburetors with round float bowls
- 28 Pict, 28 Pict-1, 28 Pict-2, 30-Pict-1 carburetors
- 1961-1967 Beetle
- 1960-1967 Type 2 Bus
- 1961-1967 Karmann Ghia
Carburetor float. Sold each
For carburetors with round float bowls
- 28 Pict, 28 Pict-1, 28 Pict-2, 30-Pict-1 carburetors
- 1961-1967 Beetle
- 1960-1967 Type 2 Bus
- 1961-1967 Karmann Ghia